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Here are some personal works that I was/am contributing to.

Most of the works were created during school years. I am working on deploying these projects to provide you the best view of my skills.


A fullstack website allows users to manage FCAPS functions their own network devices (currently supports simulators). Collaborated graduation thesis with TMA Solutions. Worked as Project manager, Team leader and Fullstack engineer.

  • Microservice
  • React.js
  • Spring ecosystem
  • MySQL
  • Docker


A full-stack realtime website provides users a ground to sell and bid on products from different categories with reactive UI. Part of Web Dev II course @ HCMUS. Worked as Project manager, Team leader and Backend engineer.

  • Vue.js
  • Express.js
  • MySQL
  • Redis


A server-side rendering web application delivers such functionalities as a normal MOOC website. Migrating from server-side to client-side with latest technologies. Worked as Project manager, Team leader and Backend engineer.

  • Express.js
  • Handlebars
  • MongoDB